Welcome to the web-site of the International Lawn Tennis Club of Israel. Here you can find information about the activities of the IC of Israel, its members, values and objectives, as well as learn about the history of our Club and the history of the IC family.
Israel joined the family of ICs more than 25 years ago and have since been guests of several countries and participated in many international events. Over the years we have realized what a wonderful family this is. Being a member of the IC provides you with the opportunity to experience the thrilling atmosphere at these events while representing Israel.
IC Israel members included (over the years) ex-champions, junior, ATP, Davis Cup, Federation Cup and Grand Slam players. The IC allows these players to play for their own pleasure being free of commercial or competitive pressure.
Participation in events such as the Potter Cup, the IC WEEK or the Columbus Trophy gives the feeling that we are not only tennis players, but also a part of a large international tennis community. All IC members see tennis as much more than just a game. It is an opportunity to maintain friendship with those who in the past used to stand across the net. It is also a chance to travel around the world exploring different cultures, enjoying the sights and meeting new friends.
We hope our web-site will help you find out all you wish to learn about us: who we are, what we do and what we aspire to. We thank you for your interest!
Bat Sheva Mandel
Dear IC-Members
2018 is a very important year for the IC of Israel.
We celebrated 70 years of the Independence of the State.
It is with great honor that I can say that IC-Israel has a female President and Honorary Secretary and that together with the Board we have managed to improve our cooperation with the various tennis entities in the Israel.
We hosted the Indian IC-Team delegation from the 15th to the 22nd of Novemer, and shared an unforgettable experience.
I would like to wish to All the IC-Clubs and members around the world a Very Happy New Year 2019 and that our motto for promoting and reinforcing our friendship will continue to be accomplished.
Bat-sheva Mandel
IC-Israel President

The Israel IC was selected as one of the Philanthropy programs accepted for the year 2015. The IC, in coordination with the Tennis Center in Jaffa is running a program for children at risk. Forty five kids from underdeveloped and non-functional environments are brought to the Center where they are helped with their school tasks, receive a warm meal and get free tennis lessons. Our president Ron Steel is in charge of monitoring the program together with Rakefet Binyamini an IC member and coach at the Jaffa Tennis Center. Batsheva Mandel, our former President and current Honorary Secretary is volunteering to work with the children giving a Chigong monthly practice (ancient Chinese practice basis of all Martial Arts) to improve the kids concentration, balance and focus.

During October 2015 the Israel IC Junior Team participated for the first time in the Oceania Group of the IC WORLD JUNIOR CHALLENGE which consisted of Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Pakistan and Israel. The Israel participation of the Israeli team was the result of a joint venture between the IC of Israel and the Israel Tennis Center. Both organizations put in a lot of work to get them in the field. Our team played Japan in the first round loosing 5:1 with two very close Rubbers which unfortunately they lost and in the playoffs Israel defeated Pakistan and Singapore. Japan defeated New Zealand in the final putting Israel third in the group. The Israeli team was very impressed with the warm hospitality, the excellent organization and great sportsmanship shared between the teams.
The Israel IC organized an international Tennis Day on Friday December the 12th 2014. The Event was to share with the Younger Generation the “raison d’etre” of the IC. Each active member invited potential younger players and we prepared for them the 10 main reasons to become a Member of the IC family. Since the event took place at the Steele’s Tennis Club that has a large number of Foreign Ambassadors as regular members, we also invited a few of them who were thrilled to hear about the IC. As mentioned above, the Event took place at the Steele Tennis Academy in Hertzlya Pituach (north of Tel-Aviv), with the assistance of actual and former Presidents of the Israel IC, former Davis Cup captains and players and many of our active members. Round-robin matches doubles & mixed doubles were played, and last but not least we had a buffet and made a toast with bubbly wine to commemorate the Anniversary of creation of the International Lawn Tennis Club, November 26, 1924. (It was impossible for most of our Members of the Board to be present on the exact date of November).
During July 2013 The IC of Israel hosted the IC of Hungary for a friendly match .The matches were held at the Steele tennis courts opposite the beach in Herzlia on a wonderful summer day. 8 matches were played :gentlemen and ladies singles, doubles and mixed doubles .After the matches we hosted the players for lunch after which speeches were made and gift exchanged.The IC of Israel arranged and hosted trips to Jerusalem, The Dead Sea, Masada and Tel Aviv . The meet was a reciprocal meeting after the IC of Hungary hosted us in Budapest for a wonderful weekend during the summer 2011.
Dudi Sela has been nominated as Vice President of the IC of Israel commencing from October 2009. He will act as an ambassador for the IC Of Israel.